We have some more bloggers on the scene!
I'd like to introduce my sister-in-law, Karen, the bold and the beautiful, and her blog, Prophecies.
Next is my brother-in-law, David, the young and the restless (sorry, needed a soap name, and you are younger than me, which I can't say about most people), who has evidently had a blog for awhile and I never knew. His blog is called Ramblings.
I've put the links to these under the "Links" heading in the sidebar.
Hippotherapy for James
Contrary to popular belief, "hippotherapy" is therapy using horses, not
James LOVES horses, so I was excited to start hippotherapy at Hope Landing ...
11 years ago
Yeah! Come read my blog! Still working on profile and such...and everytime I mention it, my husband rolls his eyes. He said he had a blog once but didn't ever know what to write. I don't seem to have that problem. :-)