Friday, February 02, 2007


The booth and banners came in! I set them up, almost all by myself, on the receptionist's floor at the office yesterday. That way, we could see how it all goes together, plus that's where the break room is, so everyone coming by would notice it. It turned out so great! John came by, and he was very complimentary of it, which meant more to me than my boss liking it. (Brothers don't worry as much about making you feel good, so they'll tell the truth. Plus, John has a good eye for things.) He took a picture of me in front of the booth.

And here it is with the banners and everything. It's a lot bigger than I had imagined!

I sat in a chair nearby for about 30 minutes, listening and explaining as people came by. It was so much fun. I missed seeing the president when he saw it for the first time, but I was there when he wanted his picture taken with it, so he could send it on to his president at MetLife. I guess he wanted to show it off, too. :)

In other Tada news, here's a picture of my little plants.

Since I planted extra seeds to every pot, I've had to pull quite a few little seedlings. But I've been strong, and I've done it! The tall ones in the back are the morning glories. Those are an experiment going directly in the ground by the columns of my front porch, so I hope they work. It looks like I may need to start giving them a stake to grow up on already!


  1. Well, I guess TADA is correct! I am so proud of your talents and abilities! The booth/banners look great; I know your prez liked'em too or he wouldn't have had his photo made with them! :) And, as you said, the support of your brother means more than anything. We're on your team!! YAY, LYDIA!

    The plants look good; it's too cold still for me to think about spring planting... haha!

  2. Lydia :

    What a good way to showcase your many talents.
    Your mother is correct in her comment about the President. If you had blown the assignment he would have ranted and raved and not wanted any part of the project.

    YOU DID GOOD !!!!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!!


  3. Nice job. At first, when I saw your seedlings...I will just say it...I thought it was some yummies. Ha! Get in my belly I thought...but alas, no. But the booth does look funny about the president wanting his photo with it. You'll be one popular chic on your next visit down.

  4. I thought the seedlings were chocolate candies at first glance. Mmmmm, chocolate!

    Great job on the display, too!

  5. Ditto on the chocolate dessert thought! :) I guess we were all hungry when we read your blog! But the presentation looks awesome! You should be so proud of yourself and your mad design skills!!!

  6. Awesome Lydia! You are such a studd!!!! I am so proud of your awesome go girl!

  7. The booth looks great! Bravo, Lydia!

  8. Yahoo for Lydia. Booth looks good, just hope you don't have to go to all the shows to set it up!

    And when I saw the seedlings, I thought they were sushi rolls, so I was REALLY confused. But mine was closer than chocolate...sushi tastes worse than dirt! =)

  9. Yes, I will second the sushi could be sushi poo! Something nasty horrible...sorry for sushi lovers out there. But chocolate is tastier...yummy.
