Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Okay, seriously, people!

Is it true that eyebrow waxing gets less painful the more you do it, or is that some horrible lie being passed around so more people will join in the misery? Because I just got my eyebrows waxed for the first time, and it stinkin' hurt. And now my eyebrows are about half the size they used to be.

I'm thinking this is a case of Misery Loves Company, and I'm not sure I'm joining after this.


  1. The first time I didn't think it was too bad. The second time, it ripped off the skin too! I had scabs under my eyebrows! (That along with a green forehead, I'm looking pretty attractive, eh?)

    Um, so can you imagine doing the bikini line? I've sugared... it's not pleasant, but I heard it was a lot better than waxing.

  2. Hi ladies:

    Waxing your eyebrows ....... whatever possessed you to even consider such a thing?? I think your G'maw would put that same money on a massage and feel a lot etter afterward .......

    I think your eyebrows look fine ...........


  3. You know, Grandpa, I think I should have put the money toward a massage, too! What was I thinking?

  4. Too bad eyebrows cost $7 and a massage cost $40. Wish it were an even exchange.

  5. Try getting your eyebrows roped! Turkey, the use dental floss/thread and they make this weird triangle of string between the teeth and hands and slide the string along the other piece of string and pull out the eyebrows. It is very interesting. It hurt a little but not much. I have a dark video of it if you are interested :)

  6. Teresa, I've heard of that before. Someone I knew had that done. Very intersting. I am contemplating the waxing thing before Jamaica, but golly-gee! I just don't feel smart when I inflict pain upon myself ON PURPOSE! So, we'll see.

  7. Quit whining! Waxing eyebrows is quicker than plucking, looks great, is cheap, and contributes to a well-groomed persona. I've done it once a month for years.

    I've heard of roping/threading. They do it in Houston, I've heard. Supposed to be less painful. Palestine's too backward to have it. :)

  8. I've been sugared and roped. Sugaring hurt like hades.... partly because my legs were really dry and I don't think I was doing it correctly because I had to re-do each patch of leg several time to get complete results. But, my friends over here either epilate or sugar. They don't shave. They claim the first time is the worst and after that it's great. What's great is that they deal with this like once a month and that's it.

    As for roping, it's like tweezing, but instead of getting 1-2 hairs with each pull, you're getting 10. They even get the little pale hairs that you didn't know were there. My friends offered to rope the rest of my face to remove any other hair. Why? Because there are two rules here: 1) Any hair anywhere on your body except for your head (and I really literally mean ANY hair) is bad and should be removed. -and- 2) Anything contributing to beauty should be painful.

    By the way, I met another brow baby today. I say we bring Big Brows back into style! This kid will thank us for it in about 15 years.

  9. I used to wax every other week. It was never fun, but the results were definitely worth it. Much less tedious (and better results) than plucking.

  10. I have been blessed with no my maintenance with them is a simple pluck once a week or so, but I do have to darken them a bit, which is really stinkin annoying. The things we do for beauty!!!

  11. Ooh! That has some interesting possibilities!!

    It reminds me of the greeter at Wal-Mart who pencils in her eyebrows with one much higher on her forhead than the other. At first I thought it was a mistake, but now I realize it must be intentional, because it's the same every time I see her. Maybe she tilts her head when she draws them on?

  12. can we see a before and after comparison? Thanks! =)

  13. Enough about eyebrows already. New post! New post!
