Dear Diary:
I'm at Kitty Kamp this summer. It's been pretty fun so far. We do all kinds of things. Here's a typical day....
8:30--Chow time. My bunkmate Friday plays with my tail while I eat. It's kind of annoying, but I don't let it stop me.

9:30--Nap Time. Well, at least I try, but Friday has P.E. on his schedule, and he always asks me to join in.

10:30--Wrestling. I get my workout every day. My mom and dad will be proud at how in shape I'm getting! Don't worry, the camp counselors never let anything go too far, and I'm so much better at this than Friday, anyway.

11:30--Bird Watching. I really like this part of the day. It's so peaceful to watch the birds....

....until Friday comes along! I can't help it that I get excited and flip my tail all around! Evidently he can't help it that he likes to play with it.

1:30--Naptime. Finally! I'm in my basket....

...and Friday's on the tile in the entryway.

2:30--Naptime still. I'm in my basket....

....Friday's moved to the bathroom tile.

3:30--Working on a really good nap. I'm in my basket...and Friday is stealing my bed. I don't mind so much, as long as he doesn't get in my basket. If he tries that, I bop him on the nose.

4:30--Still naptime! And yes, I'm still in my basket....

....and Friday's in the bathroom again. I think that boy sleepwalks.

5:30--Rest time. It's not officially napping, but we like to hang out under the table.

Sometime between all the naps, we go to classes. Here, Friday and I are in Death Ray class, in preparation for taking over the world. We're both getting pretty good. Soon I'll try out my new skills on the next door neighbor's dog.

Okay, the dog was a joke. I really like dogs, actually. Friday doesn't know what a dog is, which turned out to be pretty funny when a stray invaded camp one day. But that's another story.... Needless to say, he has much to learn. I've heard he's staying at camp longer than I am to catch up. I try to help him as much as I can, but he gets so distracted by feathers and jingle balls....
Well, I guess that's about a typical day. It's fun here--we get lots of treats and brushings. Baths, I found out, are not so fun, but they don't happen often. Sometimes I get homesick. Friday's okay, but I feel like I could squish him. I could never squish my friend Gracie the Dog. And I miss my parents, but they say hi to me on the computer every once in awhile, and I know they're having a lot of fun and getting a lot accomplished. It's pretty cool that my parents are world travellers. I hope they bring me back a good souvenir. Maybe some of those sardines would be nice....
Good night, Diary! I'm off to nap again, and dream of being Superman!