Sunday, February 08, 2009


To my husband,
Twenty-nine things I love about you:
  1. You make silly faces at the camera.
  2. You encourage my photography.
  3. You talk to our cats.
  4. You are always learning.
  5. You change dirty diapers.
  6. You ask forgiveness if you're wrong.
  7. You come up with recipes to make for dinner...and make them!
  8. You make conversations count.
  9. You make sure my gas tank is full before I go to the office every week.
  10. You make sacrifices for the sake of relationships.
  11. You are generous to those in need.
  12. You can always answer questions about the Bible.
  13. You save money.
  14. You are all bark and no bite.
  15. You call me every day from work.
  16. You understand my need to get out of the house at the end of the day, and will get out with me even though you just want to be at home.
  17. You wash diapers every night.
  18. You think my postpartum self is beautiful.
  19. You always have good advice.
  20. You make me feel safe.
  21. You appreciate a good musical.
  22. You get groceries, and always come back with a surprise.
  23. You can have a good conversation with anyone.
  24. You are my news reporter/interpreter.
  25. You tolerate my meddling in your routine.
  26. You came to every prenatal appointment.
  27. You are romantic.
  28. You balance the check book.
  29. You love me!!
Happy Birthday!! I love you.

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